Parent Information

As a parent, you know that our society demands a lot of youth these days. While dealing with the pressures of school and social groups, teens are expected to make mature decisions with limited life experience. AZA is at your side to help Jewish parents raise confident, engaged and well-prepared teenagers. Now, more than ever, our programs provide innovative opportunities and a stress-free environment that not only allows teens to customize their own experience but that also grows with them to accommodate their changing needs. How does AZA provide such a unique experience?

  • By providing safe and enriching programs that the teens design themselves, fostering independent thinking and leadership abilities that will help prepare them for college and other adult endeavors.
  • By bringing together thousands of Jewish teens from all over the world, from the most traditional to non-practicing Jewish backgrounds, to share experiences that build character as they build friendships for life.
  • By exposing teens to Jewish culture, history and practice, and introducing new ways to help them apply Jewish principles to contemporary life and that encourage them to determine for themselves what being a Jew means.

AZA offers a time-tested model for leadership development. Teens are given real responsibilities and develop leadership skills that relate to their everyday lives. By practicing public speaking, program planning, community organizing and managing people, AZA teens build skills that not only make them more confident and capable of navigating the challenging teen years, but also prepare them to make positive contributions to the world around them as adults. As well as being a fun and productive environment, AZA is a completely safe environment for all Jewish teens to be accepted regardless of their background. We have a strict zero-tolerance rule against any and all drugs and alcohol. In addition, violence is prohibited. Everyone in AZA is treated with respect and are not peer-pressured into things, making it the ideal environment for a Jewish teen.

Parents, Contact Us!

Hello, I am Yuval Weissberg, and I an the Metaksher for this term. I am in charge of Ramon’s parent and alumni relations, and can be contacted through my phone number, +1 (617) 901-4596, or my email account: Ramon’s board page contains more information on me and my goals.